
琉球泡盛 にごり泡盛

にごり泡盛 海波 30度 1800ml 6本セット(化粧箱無)

にごり泡盛 海波 30度 1800ml 6本セット(化粧箱無)

にごり泡盛 海波 30度 1800ml 6本セット


It is easy to drink and refreshing while maintaining the beauty of Hatsutametori Hanazaki, which is the pure taste of awamori.
The water was prepared with mineral rich coral water filtered by high quality fossil coral from Yonaguni island.

¥ 13,200

にごり泡盛 海波 30度 1800ml Nigori Awamori Kaiha 30degrees 1800ml

にごり泡盛 海波 30度 1800ml Nigori Awamori Kaiha 30degrees 1800ml


It is easy to drink and refreshing while maintaining the beauty of Hatsutametori Hanazaki, which is the pure taste of awamori.
The water was prepared with mineral rich coral water filtered by high quality fossil coral from Yonaguni island.

¥ 2,300

にごり泡盛 海波 30度 720ml Nigori Awamori Kaiha 30degrees 720ml

にごり泡盛 海波 30度 720ml Nigori Awamori Kaiha 30degrees 720ml


It is easy to drink and refreshing while maintaining the beauty of Hatsutametori Hanazaki, which is the pure taste of awamori.
The water was prepared with mineral rich coral water filtered by high quality fossil coral from Yonaguni island.

¥ 1,420

  • 配送料金が一目で分かるサイズ制料金表
  • 配送料金が一目で分かるサイズ制料金表